Helping Communities Get Their Funding.

“What even is fiscal sponsorship?”, was a thought that went through my mind as I first started to work with National Network of Fiscal Sponsors (NNFS).

Through getting to know the brand, NNFS situates itself as as a trustworthy friend to lean on for support through the challenging world of gaining funding for your nonprofit project, or fiscal sponsorship. My goal was to take advantage of my position as an outsider to envision what it would take to get someone interested in a funding process that allows organizations to serve the community that surrounds them. 

All photo rights © Danielle Miles.

What I Did

Event Production


Q2 2022 – Q4 2023


Witty Gritty
Bailey Harris, Comms and Strategy
Lee Stabert, Writer and Producer

An Evolution

NNFS opens itself up to their community through an annual conference, National Gathering. The National Gathering allows organizations from multiple specialities to learn how to better their fiscal sponsorship practices and connect with like-minded individuals all vying for community initiatives.

A great foundation had already been built through their membership-based Slack, a channel where members and organizations in the world of fiscal sponsorship could share ideas and tips from their own practices. A big evolution that the team wanted to take with their work was building out an identity for the National Gathering that would stick with their audience and bring awareness to NNFS’ accessible resource libraries to all nonprofits, big or small. With the important role NNFS plays in community-led work, I worked to put on a shiny new coat of paint to translate their mission into visual language.


Who did we get into the room?

The overall attendance of the conference saw a 49% increase from the last prior.

The 2023 National Gathering saw 44% of the country’s states represented in its attendance.

All statistics were recorded by the National Network of Fiscal Sponsors.


B.PHL Innovation Fest


First 100 Days Poster Project