Dog Walker app that puts one paw forward.

This remote UX design challenge presented an exciting opportunity to showcase my skills and creativity in user experience design. With a focused timeframe of just one hour, the challenge encompassed the entire design process, from empathizing with users to creating wireframes for a novel concept. The project aimed to evaluate my ability to swiftly navigate through the empathize, define, ideate, and wireframing phases of UX design.


iOS Mobile

What I Did

Visual Identity

UX Design

UX Research


Q3 2023 – Q3 2023

Keeping your furry babies active and safe…


On average, about 40% of people don’t walk their dogs on a consistent schedule. This could be due to a magnitude of different reasons as the daily responsibilities grow day by day. While there are some very popular options on the market, the accessibility to security features can leave owners more worried than relieved.

Pinpointing those gaps, there was a massive opportunity to implement features that help users have open communication that can aid in feeling peace of mind.


As there is a limitation of time, I made use of extensive competitor research during my product discovery. What are the pain points that users are feeling with the most popular pet walking products?

Common Pain Points

Users don’t like it when they can’t vet their walkers.

”You don’t get to talk or qualify your sitter or walker, which is really scary for me.”

Users want more flexible appointment times.

“I wish there was a better process for when I’m not available for a walker’s call due to my busy schedule.”


Most dog-walking apps already allow users to book dog-walking appointments. Having verification indicators can be included in the Searching/Booking a walker process. Here’s some steps that users will take throughout the app:

Feature Improvements

  • Important data during the onboarding, such as walkers inputting accreditation and users putting in their location for location-based walkers.

  • Searching Dog-Walkers

  • Booking Dog-Walkers

  • Managing appointments

Design Principle

Our app includes verification indicators and reviews directly in the walkers’ profiles to make the vetting process of finding the right walker for users much easier.

These trust signals expedite the decision-making during the booking process and instill a sense of confidence in the service provided. With transparency at the forefront, there's a fostering of a strong sense of trust in our app. Attracting a wider user base ultimately contributes to the app's success and reputation in the current market.


The user research phase aided in analyzing successful features and identifying gaps for this product. I gained valuable insights into what resonates with users and where the industry falls short.

The dog-walking app's design process highlighted the importance of safety, transparency, and user confidence. Despite the time limitations, I managed to lay the foundation for a secure and trustworthy platform that brings pet owners and walkers together.


Matcha Moments


B.PHL Innovation Fest